মোৰ ভূমিকা :

অসম চৰকাৰ Panchayat & Rural Development State Institute of Panchayat and Rural Development (SIPRD)

Functions and Objectives

Functions and Objectives

  • To organize training courses on various operational details, implementation procedures, appropriate technologies, cost effective techniques, convergence of services, habitation development, etc., for officials and non officials involved in implementation of rural development programmes, elected representatives of Panchayati Raj Institutions and representatives of Non- Governmental Organizations and Community Based Organizations.
  • Capacity building through skill oriented training programmes on Management Development, Technology Support, Skill Up- gradation, etc., for self- employment in rural areas by taking up economically viable activities.
  • To conduct seminars and workshops on Education, Health, Sanitation, Drinking Water, Social Justice, Equity, Social Problems., etc., for officials, non- officials and representatives of Line Departments, Organizations, NGOs and CBOs so as to make people aware about the issues and problems.
  • To organize awareness campaigns at field level about Socio- Economic status and Welfare Programmes launched by the Government for development of the rural areas.
  • To undertake research works to try out new initiatives as well as to create demonstration effect.
  • To implement pilot projects for development of Micro Enterprises and to create avenues for income generation.